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  • #4272
    Nuria Sierra

    Greetings to all. I don't know if this is the right category but I have only come across the autism related eating issue and this is not the case.
    As you may have guessed, I am 98% vegetarian and plan to remain so, so the paleo diet does not suit my needs. That's why it's so hard for me to find the right way to eat while I'm on CDS.
    This is the second round of 21 days and in the first, the truth is that I had many crises until the 20th, which suddenly disappeared and I felt very well. I continued studying everything that fell into my hands and watching all the Comusav conferences and I realized that I had not dewormed myself, which I began to do in the days between the two sessions.
    Would it be better for me, so as not to interfere so much with my way of eating, that I use MMS? I tried it initially, since it really is much more comfortable, but it didn't last a full week. I got under pressure and was drugged all day. Maybe if I repeat now it won't be the same.
    What do you recommend since the option of eating animals is not suitable for me.
    Thank you so much!!

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  • Author
  • #4488
    Super Administrator

    Jim Humble says that: he is not promising healing to the people who are not consuming red meat

    Nuria Sierra

    I try not to use animals for my benefit. It's like I ate my brothers. There are people who understand it and others who don't. The first rule: Do no harm.


    I have been a vegetarian for 20 years and I had to go back to eating meat because I developed an imbalance, especially in the B vitamins that ends up affecting the nervous system among other things, now eating the minimum I am much better. It is going against you nature, our ancestors ate meat, for something it will be. Greetings.

    Nuria Sierra

    Thank you for expressing your opinion. How will you understand my question was to be able to combine the CDS with my way of eating, which is mine, the one that goes with my body, with my mind and with my energy. I am very happy that you have found yours but not all beings are cut from the same pattern.

Viewing 4 responses - from 1 to 4 (of a total of 4)
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